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On Tuesday, June 13, the ADF Terrorists invaded the villages of BUMBULI and VUDAKI, about 4km from KAINAMA, in the BANANDE-KAINAMA village, in the BENI-MBAU ​​Sector, in the northeast of the BENI Territory. They looted 55 cows and kidnapped 7 civilians. June 19, 2017 June 13, 2017
On Friday morning 4:00 am, June 16th, 2017, clashes were reported between the Congolese army soldiers and a group of Mayi-Mayi in Kalunguta and Pampuka, Villages of Beni. June 16, 2017 June 16, 2017
Unknown persons attacked the Fardc on the Mangina road to Mangango this afternoon. June 16, 2017 June 14, 2017
The Village of Bingi is now under occupation of Mai Mai Nduma defense of Congo June 16, 2017 June 16, 2017
An attack was carried out by unknown gunmen against a convoy of civilian vehicles on Wednesday, June 14, on the Vitsumbi trail in RUTSURU territory. Among the victims were three motorcyclists and a nurse from the VITSUMBI hospital. June 15, 2017 June 14, 2017
The clashes between FARDC and Maimai in Mukulya 5km from Beni on the Butembo-Beni Road is under Maimai control. The traffic is blocked. There is no more passage from this morning June 15, 2017 June 15, 2017
Sage MATHE born in 1995, murdered and thrown into the grove of NTWANGA's crossed father to Mutsanga. According to the constants of the OPJ and Dr. NZANZU, the victim was murdered and brought to this already dead place. June 14, 2017 June 12, 2017
Kangbayi-Beni prison attacked this Sunday by men armed not yet identified. Out of 966 detainees, only 30 remain in this prison house. Our sources speak provisionally of 11 dead people June 12, 2017 June 13, 2017
On the morning of Friday, June 2, 2017, May May led by Charles occupy the villages of Buramba, Buganza and near Ishasha in Binza/Rutshuru. June 10, 2017 June 2, 2017
An offensive between Fardc and May Mai APCLS of January Karairi in the village of Nyabiondo, Lukweti (Kinyumba) these areas are under the control of the APCLS all day yesterday june 8th, 2017. June 9, 2017 June 8, 2017
Mai Mai Nduma progress towards Kaviru, 10km from the Commune of Lubero. Civilians have begun paying jets since this morning of 6 June 2017. June 9, 2017 June 6, 2017
A driver and agent all of the Red Cross were kidnapped by strangers, this morning between the villages of Kaseghe and Matembe on road Butembo-Goma at 140km from Butembo. These bandits also looted other vehicles. June 9, 2017 June 7, 2017
North-Kivu: the inter-communal Baraza calls Hutus and Nande to peace. Some members of these ethnic groups threaten each other with death, some calling for others to leave the territory of Rutshuru. June 7, 2017 June 4, 2017
6 people were killed this evening in Goma/ Kasika. They are 4 bandits who wanted to burgle a Shop airtel, the owner of the shop and a policeman came to the rescue. June 5, 2017 June 3, 2017
Massive passage of a troop of Rebels ADF / NALU to Mayimoya 5km to the East. Those who are there be careful. June 5, 2017 May 30, 2017
ADF/Nalu Terrorists were reported at 4:00 pm local time on Friday, 02 June, at PK29, on the MBAU-KAMANGO road, in the BENI. The taximan of motorcycle, named MAPENZI (from BENI) and his customer KASEREKA ESDRAS (21an) fell in the ambush. June 3, 2017 June 2, 2017
This morning, any inhabitant who wants to leave the village of Lunyasenge is subject to the payment of 100,000 francs to the Mayi-Mayi militia, who occuped this village on the west coast of Lake Edward since yesterday. May 31, 2017 May 31, 2017
Dr Deos Chiza, the doctor of Mweso's general referral hospital, was abducted yesterday 29th may 2017 in evening at 8:00 pm, and found his body dead today morning near the camp of the displaced people. May 31, 2017 May 29, 2017
Yesterday a man murdered in Kimoka, a locality located at some miles from the city of Sake, by unknown men May 30, 2017 May 29, 2017
Citizens of the Hutu tribe Ask for their freedom of movement in Democrat Republic of Congo since been detained by the government of Congo to respect the constitution and the particular aspect of people walking unhindered. May 23, 2017 May 12, 2017
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