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Vendredi, 7 rebelles du groupe Maïmaï MAZEMBE ont été tués alors que 16 se sont rendus et 1 des officiers supérieurs de cette rébellion a été capturé dans la localité de NGULI (15km du Village de Kyavinyonge) en Territoire de Beni Sept. 4, 2017 Sept. 1, 2017
A Ugandan at the head of a militia group recruiting the youths from the Villages of KYAMBOGHO-MUSIMBA.was been arrested by the National Police Sept. 4, 2017 Sept. 3, 2017
Un groupe de Maimai Mazembe viennent d'arriver ce soir dans le Village lacustre de Kyavinyonge, Aug. 30, 2017 Aug. 30, 2017
Ce matin 30 Août 2017, Les Maimai Mazembe viennent de brûler le Bureau de la Police Nationale Congolaise de Lukanga, un civil serait tué. Aug. 30, 2017 Aug. 30, 2017
It is reported the presence of militia Maimai in Kanyihunga and surroundings in BASHU/Beni. The population of Bulambo Isale dreads a probable attack against the position of the FARDC based on place Aug. 29, 2017 Aug. 29, 2017
Meanwhile, clashes have temporarily pitted the Fardc with the alleged Maimai at 3pm Tuesday in Kalunguta, Beni territory. The traffic between Beni and Butembo was momentarily paralyzed and suspended. FARDC say they are in control of the situation Aug. 29, 2017 Aug. 29, 2017
Lubero center is attacked by Maimai Mazembe from 4:00 am. Aug. 28, 2017 Aug. 28, 2017
The escorted convoy of civilians was attacked on Thursday 24/08/2017 by a unknowns in the Virunga National Park (BUSENDO) at Kiwanja-Kanyabayong road, causing 4 dead and wounded. Aug. 25, 2017 Aug. 24, 2017
The Congolese Government will disburse US $ 420 million for the rehabilitation of the Butembo-Lubero road, which is being completely tattered. Aug. 21, 2017 Aug. 21, 2017
There are rumors of a massacre of civilians in Mbau in Beni territory at this time by strangers. Aug. 21, 2017 Aug. 13, 2017
Military uniforms have just been caught in a transport car this afternoon at the border of Kasindi. Aug. 21, 2017 Aug. 3, 2017
Kasindi, the international conference of the Kyaghanda Yira/Nande starts this Monday, August 7th in spite of its prohibition by the territorial authority. There would be a great deal of tension, since the presence of policemen around the conference hall. Aug. 21, 2017 Aug. 6, 2017
Goma, August 8th, 2017, The Congolese police are trying to disperse the youth who demonstrate at Ndosho this moment by firing bullets Aug. 21, 2017 Aug. 8, 2017
Yesterday, a suspicious movement of the Maimai was seen in column in the bush near the Village of Kyavinyonge. To day, a rumor also mentions the Ugandan military who crossed the border to Ishango. Aug. 21, 2017 Aug. 19, 2017
At night of Wednesday and Thursday of August 17th, 2017, the terrorists ADF plundered cows in the farms of Buliki/Bashu, on their road one of their group would have been attacked by Maimai Mazembe in the Virunga National Park. Aug. 20, 2017 Aug. 17, 2017
Mr Mbusa Mahamba Gidone, 56 years old, from Bwinongo Quarter, assassinated the night of Sunday by unknowns at 2:35, the ball reached the leg towards the basin after 20 min, he died at the hospital. They visited 4 houses in Vubange and wounded 4 people. Aug. 20, 2017 Aug. 20, 2017
A man from the Hutu tribe was allegedly killed by strangers in Kibirizi on 17th august 2017, when he went to his field. The Hutu think that the Nande are the perpetrators of that killing. Aug. 20, 2017 Aug. 17, 2017
Three thieves were caught by the kipese population on the night of Friday, August 18 in KISIMA in the Bunitere valley, they were handed over to the FARDC/ Congolese soldiers on saturday morning Aug. 20, 2017 Aug. 18, 2017
The Maimai Nduma announce that they abandon the Terrritory of Lubero and begin to retreat towards Masisi. After the abandonment of a village the Maimai Mazembe took position themselves directly. Aug. 18, 2017 Aug. 18, 2017
Houses near the small barrier of Goma / Quarter Kahembe have just caught fire. The imprudence in the kitchen would be at the origin. Aug. 18, 2017 Aug. 17, 2017
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