Attack in the village of Kakuka, grouping Banande Kainama by the presumed ADF around 2:30 pm

Occurred in Congo, Dem. Rep. on July 5, 2017 at 2:30 p.m.
Reported by Anonymous via Voice / telephone on July 5, 2017 at 8 p.m.
# attack # Village # adf

This report is Confirmed true and is of Medium Priority. Here is why -
On July 10th 2017, At least eighteen (18) people abducted by the alleged Ugandan terrorists ADF on 5 July in Kainama (Banande Kainama group) in Beni territory (North Kivu) were released on Monday (July 10th 2017) and returned to their homes. town. According to the president of the civil society of Kainama, the kidnappers voluntarily released the hostages. These people were kidnapped on July 5 at 11:00 pm local time when the rebels had made incursion into the locality of Kainama. The rebels released them without any fighting with the Congolese army. They said that they have no problems with civilians but with the army. The freed persons bear the traces of torture because having undergone some coercive actions such as the transport of booty. Au moins dix-huit (18) personnes enlevées par les présumés rebelles ougandais ADF le 5 juillet dernier dans la localité de Kainama (groupement Banande Kainama) en territoire de Beni (Nord-Kivu) ont été libérées lundi 10 juillet 2017 et ont regagné leur village. D’après le président de la société civile de Kainama, les ravisseurs ont volontairement relâché les otages. Ces personnes ont été kidnappées le 5 juillet dernier à 23 heures locales alors que les rebelles avaient fait incursion dans la localité de Kainama. Ies rebelles les ont relâchés sans qu’il y ait un combat avec les FARDC. Ils ont dit qu’ils n’ont pas de problèmes avec des civils mais plutôt avec l’armée. Les personnes libérées portes des traces de torture car ayant subies quelques actions coercitives telles le transport des butins. According to information from Kainama the assailants would not be terrorists of the ADF group but another local rebellion that is in gestation.
Resolution added by - Kataliko James
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