Les Maimai Nyatura ''miliciens Hutu' auraient successivement attaqué les villages de Bualanda et Mutanda en Bwito Territoire de Rutshuru, la nuit du 8 septembre 2017. Après les tueries et pillages ils ont regagné les brousses.

Occurred in Congo, Dem. Rep. on Sept. 8, 2017 at 1:20 a.m.
Reported by Mumbere Muronga via Voice / telephone on Sept. 9, 2017 at 8 a.m.
# Militia # 2017 # Nyatura # Mutanda # Armed group # 2017 elections # maimai

This report is Confirmed true and is of High Priority. Here is why -
The Maimai Nyatura '' Hutu militiamen '' reportedly attacked the villages of Bualanda and Mutanda in Bwito Territory of Rutshuru on the night of 8 September 2017. After the killings and looting they returned to the bush.
Resolution added by - Kataliko James
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