ADF assailants attacked the Kitevya Village at 6km west of Oicha around 17:00 on 2.02.2018. The 5 civilians were killed and 9 wounded.

Occurred in Congo, Dem. Rep. on Feb. 2, 2018 at 5:10 p.m.
Reported by Erikas Mwisi via SMS on Feb. 2, 2018 at 8:30 p.m.
# Attacked # killed # civilians # Village # adf

This report is Confirmed true and is of High Priority. Here is why -
Le Centre de santé complètement pillé, les kiosques et des habitations de la population dévalisées ,tel est le bilan de l'incursion le soir de ce vendredi des hommes et femmes armés assimilés aux Adf au village Kitevya situé à l'ouest d'Oicha dans le Secteur de Beni-Mbau. Des témoins indiquent que ces assaillants hommes, femmes et enfants mêlés, les uns portant uniformes militaires et les autres en tenus civils ont commencé leur entrée dans le village par tirer des coups de balles en direction de la population qui s'est mise à courir dans tout le sens. Et comme l'entité n'avait aucune position militaire, ces inciviques ont donc librement opéré emportant, habits ,produits agricoles, les animaux de la basse cour, panneau, batteries, médicaments et autres.... Ils s’étaient volatilisé dans la nature. avant l'arrivée de l'armée sur le lieu un peu tard dans la soirée, et a ramassé un bébé de deux jours jeté par sa mère lors de la débandade Un enfant de 3 ans retrouvé entrain de circulé seul dans le village. Le bébé ramassé est a l’hôpital d'Oicha. Pour l'heure un calme apparent y règne mais le village s'est vidé de tous ces habitants. The health center completely looted, kiosks and dwellings of the population robbed, this is the balance of the incursion on the evening of Friday by armed men and women assimilated to the Adf in the village Kitevya located west of Oicha in the Sector of Beni-Mbau. Witnesses say that these assailants, men, women and children involved, some wearing military uniforms and others in civilian uniforms, started their entry into the village by firing bullets at the people who started running in the village. all the meaning. And as the entity had no military position, these incivists have therefore freely operated carrying, clothes, agricultural products, animals of the yard, panel, batteries, drugs and others .... They had volatilized in the nature. before the arrival of the army at the place a little late in the evening, and picked up a two-day baby thrown by his mother during the rout. A 3-year-old child was found circulating alone in the village. The baby picked up is at Oicha Hospital. For the time being an apparent calm reigns but the village has emptied of all these inhabitants.
Resolution added by - Kataliko James
I have also heard this