Les manifestations de l'opposition congolaise qui réclame la fin du pouvoir du Président Congolais Joseph Kabila se sont soldés hier par la mort d'un jeune garçon de 21 ans à Butembo au Q.Furu et plusieurs blessés dans les autres villes

Occurred in Congo, Dem. Rep. on Nov. 30, 2017 at 6 a.m.
Reported by Anonymous via Walk-in / in person on Nov. 30, 2017 at 6:05 a.m.
# 2018 elections

This report is Confirmed true and is of Medium Priority. Here is why -
Congolese opposition demonstrations calling for an end to the power of Congolese President Joseph Kabila ended yesterday with the death of a 21-year-old boy in Butembo at Q.Furu and several wounded in other cities
Resolution added by - Kataliko James
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