Grace à l' intervention de la Police congolaise, Un vieux de plus de 70 ans, a échappé au lynchage populaire ce jeudi à Kamirongo/Kasindi suite aux rumeurs qui font état que c'est lui qui bloque la tombée de la pluie dans Groupement de Basongora.

Occurred in Congo, Dem. Rep. on Sept. 28, 2017 at 11:25 a.m.
Reported by Anonymous via SMS on Sept. 28, 2017 at 3 p.m.
# Police

This report is Confirmed true and is of Low Priority. Here is why -
Thanks to the intervention of the Congolese police, An old man of more than 70 years, escaped the lynching popular this Thursday in Kamirongo / Kasindi following the rumors which says that it is him who blocks the fall of the rain in Basongora area.
Resolution added by - Kataliko James
I have also heard this