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Goma, August 8th, 2017, The Congolese police are trying to disperse the youth who demonstrate at Ndosho this moment by firing bullets Aug. 8, 2017 Aug. 8, 2017
A group of Maimai Nyatura of Hutu who was defeated by the Congolese soldiers before yesterday reorganizes in Ngoroba and Mozambike near Kashalira to attack Nande villages / Bambo and Kishishe Aug. 6, 2017 Aug. 5, 2017
Mr Aloise a civilian of Kibirizi was despoiled this afternoon of all these goods and money by the Maimai Mazembe on the road Kanyabayonga - Kitibito Aug. 6, 2017 Aug. 6, 2017
The Maimai Nduma fight with the Maimai Mazembe in the Villages around Muhangi since 11:00am Aug. 5, 2017 Aug. 4, 2017
July 16th, 2017 at 1:00 pm, Kitchanga in Masisi territory, Violent fighting opposed the Congolese soldiers in Maimai APCLS, but the regular army managed to resume the village around 4:00pm, but the situation remained tense even the day Of that July 17th. Aug. 5, 2017 July 16, 2017
This morning around 6:30 am, a Congolese soldier fired a bullet at a civilian who died on the spot at the Vukano checkpoint at the entrance to Lubero center. Aug. 5, 2017 Aug. 5, 2017
August 5th, 2017, The Maimai Mazembe attacked the Maimai Nduma since this morning at 5:00am at the Village of Kasugho, the battle continues until this afternoon Aug. 5, 2017 Aug. 5, 2017
The Maimai Mazembe, led by Kitete, submit civilians to the forced labor of harvesting Cassava fields abandoned by Hutus in the Kibirizi bushes every saturday. Aug. 5, 2017 Aug. 5, 2017
The Congolese army bombed the Maimai Mazembe camps in Mighende a few kilometers from Kipese since 2:30 pm Aug. 3, 2017 Aug. 3, 2017
A group of Maimai attacked and burned this morning the camp of Congolese soldiers in Kiviru, 15km from Lubero. One soldier has been killed. Aug. 3, 2017 Aug. 3, 2017
A fire from unknown origin burned the rooms of women and children of Munzenze prison of Goma yesterday afternoon Aug. 2, 2017 Aug. 1, 2017
Unknown gunmen made an incursion that night at Museya Village and wounding Mr Masivi. The afternoon they plundered a motorcycle carrying fish to Butembo at 8km on Kyavinyonge road. Aug. 2, 2017 Aug. 1, 2017
Last night at 9:30pm, the peacekeepers of the Monusco of Kirumba fired several bullets without defining the objective. A lost bullet killed a young boy near the market. Aug. 1, 2017 July 31, 2017
The authorities have banned a march of citizen movements and lobby groups that require a timetable for upcoming elections in the country. 13 of them have just arrested by the police July 31, 2017 July 31, 2017
RUTSHURU: A Congolese army Colonel was killed and more than 20 soldiers, wounded and several militiamen were killed on Sunday in Nyabitale Forest, west of Nyamilima, during clashes between FARDC Maïmai Charles. July 31, 2017 July 30, 2017
A woman has just been arrested today July 31, 2017 at the parking "La Victoire" Butembo by the police departments on denunciation of some residents. She had a gun in her handbag, and she was apprehended by the police when she was on her way to BENI. July 31, 2017 July 31, 2017
Kasisi, Kipese, 7:15 pm Congolese army is ready now to fight with Maimai Mazembe at Kasisi Village near 8km from Kipese July 31, 2017 July 21, 2017
Since July 28th 2017, 3 fishermen have just been killed on Lake Kivu by unknown men. The group of fishermen are on strike In the village Nzulo / Kamuronza in the territory of Masisi July 30, 2017 July 28, 2017
July 28th 2017, One case of popular justice took place in Kirumba. The population reportedly killed a man they assumed as a bandit. July 28, 2017 July 28, 2017
July 27th 2017, General Sikatenda Chief of Maimai Yakutumba reportedly surrendered to Congolese soldiers in Fizi July 27, 2017 July 27, 2017
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