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Two day of intense fighting is taking place between Maimai APCLS and FARDC soldiers in Kitshanga, the village is empty of its population, Fighting continues in the village of Ngingwe until this Sunday morning around 9:00am March 25, 2018 Feb. 3, 2018
Wednesday, 21.3.2018 around 10:00 the security services have discovered new military effects to Paida, Friday morning, the ADF wanted to launch an attack in the same sector, they were stopped by the bombing of the FARDC, on the axis Mayangose March 23, 2018 March 22, 2018
The clashes on Monday between 12h00pm and 1h30pm between Fardc and Adf in Liva, village located between Kisiki and Maymoya in Bambuba-Kisiki group in Beni. March 23, 2018 March 19, 2018
Les Maimai Nduma NDC ont haussé le prix du Jeton à 3000fc par parcelle dans les villages qu'ils occupent en territoire de Lubero. 50$ pour un champ des bananiers et 450$ pour une ferme agricole March 19, 2018 Feb. 10, 2018
An alleged thief was reportedly killed by the people's justice this morning around 5:00 am in Kikuvo March 18, 2018 March 18, 2018
Rumors report a massacre at Mayangose Kididiwe. 2 bodies already found a woman of Butsili and a Man of Ndindi / Beni March 16, 2018 March 16, 2018
This night 41 people killed with a captain of congolese army in the village of Djugu/Ituri March 15, 2018 March 13, 2018
Beni: Mme Mbambu Kivanzanga Justine a été tuée cette nuit par des inconnus au Quartier Butsili/ Commune Mulekera vers 00h07. March 14, 2018 March 14, 2018
Nyabanira/ Rutshuru: Des civils ont passé toute la nuit en brousse sous la pluie suite à une incursion des rebelles FDLR/ Interahamwe qui ont pillé les boutiques et prenant certains hommes en porteurs March 11, 2018 March 10, 2018
Mr Pascal BABA HERITIER MOTAR et Vendeur des poissons prevenant du Lac Edouard a été fusillé sur l'axe Nyakakoma - Ishasha vers 11h à un endroit connu sous le nom du OR le 4 mars 2018, il est mort de ces blessures à l’Hôpital de Nyamilima March 10, 2018 March 4, 2018
Des jeunes en provenance du champ sont arrêtés par les FARDC à Kitshanga au Q.Monusco/ Ramblée car accusés de Maimai APCLS March 9, 2018 March 9, 2018
Le groupe Maimai Léopard s'est battu contre ce 6.03.2018, les Maimai Mazembe pour prendre position dans les brousses de Kyasenda /Kibirizi. 1 jeune maimai en est mort par blessures March 8, 2018 March 6, 2018
Les affrontements ont evolué toute la journée de ce 07.03.2018, entre les Maimai et les FARDC dans le Village de Pabuka vers Kabasha. Plusieurs civils ont abandonné leurs habitations March 7, 2018 March 7, 2018
On the night of 5 to 6 March 2018, the alleged ADF killed more than 7 people and other 7 kidnapped and 3 Babies, to Mangolikene around the city of Beni March 6, 2018 March 5, 2018
Farmers from Oicha who wanted to fetch food from their fields were slaughtered around 11:00 am towards PK20 on the Mbau - Kamango road by suspected ADF when it was raining. March 6, 2018 March 6, 2018
Aprés avoir defait les FDLR, les FARDC ont abandonné le Village de Nyingwe aux mains des Maimai Nyatura.La population de Kitshanga crie à la famine March 5, 2018 March 1, 2018
More than 5 people were kidnapped in Eringeti on Saturday, 3.3.2018 by alleged ADF. According to the latest news, these civilians would have been killed March 4, 2018 March 3, 2018
Un groupe de Maimai s'affronte aux FARDC depuis cet après midi au village de Vichindwe 15km de la Ville de Butembo près de Musienene March 3, 2018 Feb. 22, 2018
Les FARDC ont contre attaqué des terroristes ADF qui voulaient tendre des embuscades sur des véhicules civils à Tngudu - Linzo/Sesene vers 12h30. La bataille s'est poursuivie dans la brousse. March 1, 2018 March 1, 2018
The FARDC fell in ambush of Rwandese Defense Force yesterday in Mount Sabinyo, which was took positions at 200m, 500m in DRC yesterday and today morning in the Park towards Bukima Feb. 28, 2018 Feb. 12, 2018
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